Medieval History



Medieval History

Medieval History
Medieval Life and Times encompass one of the most exciting and turbulent times in English and European History. The Medieval people of the Middle Ages and Dark Ages were warlike, they sought to conquer new lands and have even been described as barbaric. The Crusades exposed the English and the Europeans to a more refined society and the great Eastern fortresses which influenced Medieval architecture. The elegance of the Far East, with its silks, tapestries, precious stones, perfumes, spices, pearls, and ivory prompted a change in society with a new and unprecedented interest in beautiful objects and elegant manners and new routes for Medieval Trade. But meanwhile the Medieval Battles for new territory and power raged on in Medieval History.

Medieval History of Feudalism
The Medieval history of feudalism covers the main European countries. The disintegration of Europe following the departure and power of the Romans slowly led to European Feudalism. From France feudalism spread to the major European countries including Germany, Spain, Italy, Scandinavia, England and the Slavic countries.

Feudalism Pyramid
Feudal Justice

The Peasants Revolt

Medieval Timelines
A series of comprehensive Medieval Timelines detail the major events significant to the lives and events of famous people and the Kings and Queens of England and Europe. In addition there are are additional timelines including a Timeline of the First Crusade, a Timeline Of Middle Ages Kings Of England, Knights Templar Timeline, Early Middle Ages Timeline and a Late Middle Ages Timeline.

Medieval History Timeline
Early Medieval Timeline
Late Medieval Timeline

Famous Events in Medieval History with Timelines, Key dates and Events
The History of the Medieval era covers the major historical events which occurred during the period from 1066 - 1485. The History of the Medieval era starts in England with the Battle of Hastings in 1066 which ended the period classified as the Dark Ages. The events in Medieval History continues down the timeline until 1485 which ends the War of the Roses, the start of the Tudor dynasty  and the emergence of the Renaissance. The facts and information provided via the Medieval Life and Times website provide access to the most important historical events of the period which are detailed in the pages about the History of Domesday Book, History of Black Death, History of Magna Carta, History of Battle of Hastings, History of Wars of the Roses, History of the One Hundred Years War and the History of Bayeux Tapestry. The History and Key Events of the Middle Ages included:

The Domesday Book
William the Conqueror ordered this Norman survey of all the lands and possessions of England in order to assist with the Norman administration of England and impose relevant taxes - it was called the Domesday, or Doomsday, Book. It also enabled William the Conqueror the ability to ensure that all landholders and tenants swore allegiance to him - a major requirement of feudalism or the Feudal System

Doomsday Book

The Black Death
The Black Death victims in Medieval Times were terrified of the deadly disease. The plague held a massive mortality rate between 30 and 40%. Victims had no idea what had caused the disease. Neither did the physicians in Medieval Times. Read about the symptoms, treatments, causes and effects of the Black Death in England

Black Death

The Magna Carta
What is the Magna Carta? What was the purpose of the Magna Carta? Why was the Magna Carta famous and important to the history of England? The charter is considered to be the beginning of constitutional government in England. The Magna Carta demonstrated that the power of the king could be limited by a written grant. The influence of Magna Carta can be seen in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Magna Carta

The Battle of Hastings
The Battle of Hastings took place on Saturday 14th of October 1066. The leaders of the Battle of Hastings were Duke William of Normandy and King Harold of William. The Normans win the Battle of Hastings and the Norman conquest of England follows. The section detailing the Battle of Hastings has some surprising facts and information about the event and also a comprehensive Battle of Hastings timeline.

Battle of Hastings

The Wars of the Roses
The Wars of the Roses were intermittent civil wars fought by members of the House of Lancaster and the House of York. Both houses were branches of the Plantagenet royal house, tracing their descent from King Edward III. The rivalry between the house of York and the House of Lancaster started when King Richard II was overthrown by his cousin, Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster, in 1399. The Wars of the Roses subsequently raged from 1455 - 1485.

Wars of the Roses

The One Hundred Years War
One of the most important historical events of the Medieval era is the Hundred Years War.  The Hundred Years War was fought between between England and France and later Burgundy. What were the key dates of this famous historical event? Joan of Arc was a major figure in the Hundred Years War. What other famous figures were involved in this historical occasion? There is also a section which details a  Battles Timeline of the One Hundred Years War including the famous English victories at the Battle of Crecy and the Battle of Poitiers.

The Hundred Years War
Timeline of the One Hundred Years War

Medieval History
The Medieval Life and Times website provides interesting facts, history and information about great people and important events in Medieval history which scatter the Medieval History books. The Medieval Times Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts about the fascinating subject of the lives of the people who lived during the historical period of the Middle Ages. The content of these articles on Medieval life and times provides free educational details, facts and information for reference and research for schools, colleges and homework for history courses and history coursework.


Medieval History

  • Read books from a history book club or watch the History Channel DVDs on Medieval Times
  • Medieval Religion, Monks and Nuns
  • History of Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest
  • History of Bayeux Tapestry
  • History of Doomsday Book ( aka Domesday Book )
  • History of Magna Carta
  • History of Hundred Years War
  • History of Black Death
  • History of Wars of the Roses

Helpful information for history courses and history coursework - Read History Books - Read History Books - Medival Society - Realms - Medival - Lives -  Medival Era and Period - Medival History - History - Information - Facts - Info - Medieval Period - Medieval - Middle Ages History - Dark Ages - Information about Medival History Facts - Medival History Info - Medival Times - Medival History - Medival Era and Period - Read History Books - History Channel DVDs - Medival History - Written By Linda Alchin